So, every year, I do the same little tradition: roll sleepily out of bed, and head to Caffe Fiore, all cozied up, and holding my little journal.
I take a minute to reflect on the year- it’s surprises, lessons and the small things that were actually the big ones.
And then, I look forward. What do I want this year to hold, and to be? Because unless you write it down, it becomes fleeting and lost in the shuffle of daily life.

So this year?
To keep defining what it means (to me), to live a beautiful and healthy (and deeply fulfilling) life. And to help as many people as I can around me, find theirs. No matter their definition.
So, thank you- each one of you reading this right now, play such a huge part in this big time/somewhat too big goal.
Thank you for reading, for loving, for sharing your lives and stories, and helping pass the goodness along.

Check out last year’s post “30 Rules To Live By” here.