In my business, there is nothing that makes me happier than people realizing how bad they really felt before we started working together.
I mean, it sounds bad to say it like that.
But, it’s true.
Let me try that again.
Nothing makes me happier than my personal clients realizing how great they feel when they transition to eating all real foods- and realizing how much of what they feel on a daily basis is DIRECTLY related to what they are eating.
You want a magic pill to feel great every day? Stop ignoring what you’re shoving in your mouth.
When my clients start to feel great [often in the first 4-5 days!], the feeling is so distinct, so noticeable and so different because — if they are honest about it— they were most likely walking around feeling pretty junky most of the time. BLAH, sub-par, in a fog, so-so and fatigued, all the live-long day.
But they probably didn’t even realize it. It was “normal” to them. Because they could easily band-aid-quick-fix-it with various solutions. [Tired? Drink more coffee. Hungry and tired? Eat more sugar. Headache? Take something for it.]
Ask why those things are happening frequently in the first place? No, no. Ignore that.
And so it goes.
But, what most people don’t know is that a lot of those daily occurances are totally optional. As in, they don’t have to be there, annoying you in ways big and small.
That feeling “normal” could actually mean feeling pretty awesome everyday [or most days- no one is perfect]. To feel energized, well rested, clear-headed, motivated and productive on the reg.
Well. If you want some wise words, I’ll tell you: you can have that, be that, live that way. Feeling great as your new normal won’t just magically happen on it’s own and by following the path of least resistance.
You have to do something different to get something different.
So, to say that getting it together with your food knowledge is an important thing to the quality of your daily life is a HUGE understatement. No one else is going to do it for you. And getting your information about what to eat from marketing isn’t going to get you anywhere worth going.
And so. If I may. The 12 warning signs you could really use a fresh perspective. With your mentality, daily eating habits and what you consider to be normal in your day-to-day life.
Saying yes to more than 3 of these might be a sign you’re ready for some steps forward- baby or big. Because there’s more to life than just feeling sub-par.
So. Is this you?
1. When eating “healthy”, you count your calories. Until you realize it doesn’t work and there are more fun things to do- dinners out, happy hours, social events on the weekends, etc. At which point you scrap that theory and eat whatever you want, whenever you want….And then feel guilty about it afterwards. So then you count your calories. Rinse and repeat.
2. If your fridge, freezer or pantry is stocked with any of the following: Lean Cuisines, non-fat milk, 100% whole wheat sandwich bread, Diet Coke, Jiffy/Skippy peanut butter, regular soy sauce, cereal, Skinny Cow ice cream bars, or Cliff, Balance or Lunabars.
3. If your stomach hurts [or nauseous, bloated or gassy] after eating.
4. If you need coffee to get your system “moving” in the morning.
5. If you have trouble falling asleep at night, staying asleep or have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning. AKA, tired is your new normal.
6. If you get cravings for salty or sweet things. Often. Like everyday, let’s say. Or after every meal.
7. If you think you hate most vegetables, need to eat your salad smothered in intense dressing, or can’t recall eating any vegetables at all throughout your day.
8. If you need body lotion, hand lotion or chapstick daily.
9. If the words “sugar-free” or “0 calories” “high-fiber” make your eyes light up.
10. If you need to chew gum a lot. Out of necessity.
11. If you need to take Advil on a weekly basis {have chronic aches and pains or headaches}.
12. If you get sick – sinus infections, colds, the flu and seasonal bugs are a regular happening.
Uh oh. A few too many of the above with some head nods?
It’s ok. It’s normal. All of it.
Just do something about it.
Like what? Well, anything that gets you eating better quality food overall + ASAP.
A few of my own favorite picks? The Simply Real Health Seasonal 4 Week Meal Plan, a Quick + Dirty Real-Foods Teaching Session or a Custom 6 week, 3 month or 6 month Program.
Because at the end of the day, a happier and healthier life is the best way to live, no matter what you’re doing. Questions about any of it? You know where to find me.
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