Sometimes I think I could be a professional vacationer.
I’m really good at it. It’s one of my favorite things.
It’s also one of the things that I used to kind of dread, because I was so compartmental about my healthy living. Normal days = super good, super clean, kinda crazy lady who wouldn’t drink a glass of wine of a weeknight, because why waste the calories?
And then, vacation days = bring it on baby.
Oh, you deserve it. You work so hard. Or you just wanna say screw it to the healthy eating. Because all of that takes a lot of thought and effort and time and you wanna be freeeee. Let me be freeeeeee…
To let your hair down. And do whatever you want to do, because, well duh. You’re on vacation. And that’s what vacation means. Everyone knows that.
All of which is great.
Unless you are a person that comes back covered in a guilt cloud, depressed, hung over, puffy and barely able to squeeze back into your skinny jeans for your plane ride home, vowing the entire time that you’re gonna do a juice cleanse that next day, or go back to a super rigid eating routine.
I just wanted to enjoy myself. Not deprive myself. Just relax and chill out, and for once, not think about my food.
I think about that now and it just makes me sad. So, today, some tips from the other (better) side. On balancing it all, and having a damn good time while doing it.
7 Tips On How To Vacation Like A Healthy Babe:
1. Do a morning workout. As a non-negotiable thing. You just do it. A long walk to learn about your new surroundings. A hotel gym workout. A run. A swim. A bike. Have a look at the best PiYo review of 2018. You have the time, so it’s a great time to get your body in a good routine. After a great sleep of course.
2. No snacking. Don’t hate me. This is the biggest offense. That means not buying them if you are in a place that has a kitchen. Vacations are often centered around meals anyways, and it’s the most social time of the day. Vacation snacks = mindless snacking. Save it for the good stuff with your meals (aka, wine and dessert, duh).
3. Have a salad for (at least) one of your meals. And if you’re not hungry for a breakfast salad, sorry love, you’re just not hungry, even though I know eating is fun and everyone else is doing it. You do you. It doesn’t have to be wimpy or lame- add some beautiful grilled fish or chicken or a hard boiled egg and avocado to that bad boy.
4. Only eat what you love, and get rid of the clutter foods. See # 2 above. This goes for that bread basket if you don’t really care about it, or that dessert if you’d rather have wine. Know yourself overly well. What do you love and enjoy it and pick what you will savor every sip or bite of. THINK THIS OUT before you go, and stick to it. Watch the magic.
5. Order your cocktails “skinny”. This means no added sugar or weird chemical syrups. Fresh juices, naturally flavored liquors and club soda are often used in it’s place when you order it this way. All bartenders and servers know what this means, so don’t feel shy to ask.
6. Make fun mocktails throughout the day (instead of actual cocktails or wine all day and all night). Also, club soda and any citrus is divine and refreshing. Or club soda, coconut water and lime. Or mint and cucumber and coconut water. The possibilities are endless (and fun).
7. Use natural sunscreen. Your skin is your biggest organ. Now, look at that sunscreen label before you toss it in your bag. If you can’t recognize half the stuff as normal human things, leave it. I love this one from Alba for all seasons and vacation types.
And these little natural beauty drugstore vacation finds too. I’m loving both so much this week! Pacifica’s Coconut Nectar Perfume Roller and the Pacific Natural Lipstick. Too cute and perfect for any travel.
I know what you’re thinking. These things might even be doable in your normal, daily life too, right?
Well, that’s exactly my point.
Being healthy is actually just about knowing yourself best, listening to yourself, and honoring it.
Swapping out your default way of being (aka, on vacation, I always do this. Vacation means I am a snack monster. Vacation means wine and chips all day, etc)
No matter where you are in the world, and what your day looks like, you always get the pick.
And that’s a beautiful thing to celebrate.
Love this!!
Thank you SOOOOOOOO much for the suggestion of a specific sunscreen that does not have bazillions of chemicals of who knows what origin. Appreciatively from one who sunburns even through the car window (aka very, very fair-skinned).