Category: Gluten Free
Sesame Stuffed Tuna Peppers
You should totally make these for Superbowl. Or, any party, actually. Easy, healthy, and perfectly bite sized. A little sneak …continue reading >
Indian Yellow Split Pea Curry
I’m not really a takeout kind of girl. The food is overly salty, never has enough veggies and fresh stuff …continue reading >
Pizza Quinoa Bites
In going gluten free 4 years ago, the one thing I was worried about missing out on was pizza. That …continue reading >
Flourless Everything Cookies
A cookie you can feel great about eating for breakfast is my kind of cookie. Also in that category of …continue reading >
Oven Caramelized Cabbage Slices
If a sweet caramelized onion + a perfectly crunchy, roasted brussel sprout had a baby, this is what it would taste …continue reading >
Cauliflower Chowder [with veggies]
Ok, for real. Whether you’ve committed to eating healthier this year or not, you have to make this soup. A creamy, dairy-free …continue reading >
Brand Spanking NEW: The Winter Meal Plan
True confession: in all the years past, Mondays were always my day to start my post weekend cleanse. Usually …continue reading >
Flourless Chocolate Crinkle Cookies (GF)
It’s been about 3 years since I’ve been gluten-free [the root-cause cure for my out-of-nowhere, un-curable-by-medication, hypothyroidism]. People always ask …continue reading >
Healthy Chocolate Peppermint Patties
When I first found this recipe [here], I kind of laughed. By myself. At my computer. A nerdy little chuckle. …continue reading >
Shaved Brussel Sprout Salad
You know when you’d sit at the dinner table as a little kid and hear… Eat your vegetables. You have …continue reading >
Green Beans + Mushrooms with Pine Nuts and Pecorino
A few years ago, my family started this ridiculous tradition. And by “family”, I mean me. Dueling dishes. The old …continue reading >
The Best Cranberry Sauce
I’ll admit it, I used to be a canned cranberry sauce-a-holic. That poor turkey on my plate was just a …continue reading >