1. I think I eat pretty healthy, and don’t need to start from the beginning with food. Are we a good match?
Honestly, there is just as much to “unlearn” and de-bunk when I work with people who already know a lot about food. It becomes more about clarifying your food information first, and then making it simple enough to fit into real life. Much of our learning can then be focused on your overall relationship to food, which is where the real lasting change around food and a healthy lifestyle can happen.
2. I’m not in the Seattle area. Can we work together still?
Yes, of course. The Simply Real Health Cooking Club, seasonal meal plans, and The Simply Real Life Program are all available no matter where you live. My two cookbooks (The Simply Real Health Cookbook and Simply Real Eating) are available everywhere on Amazon!
3. I love your message and mission! How can I learn more and get updates on new recipes, local events, ideas & programs?
Make sure you’re on the weekly email. Sign up below. No spam, ever, just a once a week inbox love note for you!