Let’s talk BREAKFAST, on the go, the easy way.. ya know, when it’s maybe a little too cold for your green smoothie. Because if you’re someone that gets hungry in the morning, having stuff ready to go is key.
If you’re new around here you know this morning hunger thing is something I like to have you truly think about vs doing it purely out of habit or because you’re “supposed to”. So many people are actually just dehydrated in the morning instead of actually hungry- ESPECIALLY if they are eating all real food as their norm.
So, a little tip? Start with water first. Yes, before your coffee. Then do the morning bevvie of your choice (if you need upgraded ideas, go grab the Winter Bevvie Guide and get tons of ideas and recipes here).
And then, if you’re still hungry, then it’s time to eat, and eat something good.
So this week, as the weather gets colder and our schedules get a little busier, here are a few ideas to keep you cozy, grounded and ready to start the day, a better way:
The quickies (no cooking required):
- 1/2 avocado with sea salt and pepper
- Smoked salmon (wild)
- Hard boiled eggs
- Vanilla Chia Seed Pudding (from the Simply Real Health Cookbook)
- Golden Milk Pots of Gold (a sneak peek from Cookbook #2!)
- Banana dipped in macadamia nut butter & sprinkled with cinnamon and sea salt
- Cranberry Walnut Grain-Free Granola
- Pumpkin Chocolate Grain Free Granola (from the Simply Real Health Cookbook)
Under 5 minute warm-ups: because if you’re not hungry enough to eat vegetables, you’re not truly hungry. That’s the golden rule around here, no matter what the clock says.
- A quick breakfast skillet with sautéed greens (and any add ins like eggs, avocado, squash, leftovers, etc). See my favorite recipe for the Anytime Breakfast Bowl here
- A powered up blended warm bevvie (full guide on these available here)
- Making big batches of the Apple Cinnamon Morning Quinoa, or Zucchini Egg Muffins from the cookbook
- Soup or bone broth. I love mine blended with a little butter or collagen peptide powder for a cozy hot drink. If you’re in a rush, I love this quick version of a organic bone broth powder you can just add to hot water. Also amazing in soups or stews if you don’t have chicken or veggie broth on hand!
- Mashed sweet potatoes with coconut oil and cinnamon
- Roasted veggies with butter
- Leftover soup (like maybe the Tomato Carrot Soup, Coconut Corn Chowder, or The Butternut Squash Soup
Other quick ideas:
- smoothies made without ice so their temp isn’t freezing to drink. Wait, seriously, just try it. I love eating some room temp and some even warm with a spoon!
The point is this: breakfast doesn’t have to be breakfast style foods- in fact it’s usually better for you if it’s not.
Leave me a comment below if you have your own healthy cozy breakfast favs or if you try any of these options this week!
Love this recipe? You’d love the cookbook then too. And be sure to check out the Food Academy, and the seasonal meal plans!Double psst- did you know you can download a free 3 day sample of the current Fall Meal Plan here? Grab it now!
One favorite is a piece of very seedy toast, almond butter, and thinly sliced green apple! Yum!