The 3 Day Evolution Juice Ritual: A Road Test
This past Tuesday, after the long Labor Day weekend {full disclosure: and the birthday week that led up to it. Being the food & wine lover that I am, you better believe it was quite the week of doing things I love}, I decided that it was a great time to do something nice for my insides. Like give them a little break and rejuvenation.
Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t totally fall off of the healthy-eating- wagon last week, I just had more nights out and wine than usual, which happens in a life well lived. It was all absolutely worth every sip and bite. But, all the more reason for a little more goodness, healthiness and some shots of pure vegetable antioxidants, minerals, enzymes and power. Like a spa retreat. For my organs.
Enter the Evolution Fresh 3 Day Juicing Ritual.
What is that, you ask?
Something I’ve had my eye on since the first store of it’s kind opened in Bellevue, WA this past April.
It’s the perfect way to kick-off my new Simply Real Health Road Testing and Real Review Segments for the blog this Fall: testing out healthy cool places and products, so I can share my full review with you. (If you want to see them, be sure you follow the SRH fan page on Facebook or to click the “Follow By Email ” button on this page. You’ll get new posts sent to your inbox so you don’t miss ’em!)
So, back to it. What is Evolution Fresh (EF)?
Well, it’s the awesome thing that happens when a globally recognized brand {Starbucks}, realized the need for healthy, clean and great tasting foods and fresh juices, to be available for people on the go. In other words, making healthy eating a cool, hip, and sophisticated thing to do, and easier to do it for those with little time to be in the kitchen themselves.
{Sounds familiar, right? You can see how I fell in love so fast.}
I know there are a few local juice bars and stores, and I love those too! I’m picking out Evolution Fresh because I’m intrigued and impressed by Starbucks’s national and global reach, getting behind a concept like this. Bringing the community juice bar to a mainstream audience is a fascinating thought to me, in terms of the potential to really make change happen fast for a wider audience of people. The more people see, hear and taste healthy food that they actually like, the better off we’ll all be as a country.
And normally, to be completely honest {which you know I always will}, big companies and brands that “health-ify” always seem to be missing the mark. They’ll sell items like sandwiches on whole wheat bread, low-fat string cheese, sugar laden juices, and offer some pathetic looking fruit or wilty, gross salad and mark it with stickers shouting “WHOLE WHEAT!” or “ALL NATURAL”. And for the most part, people think they ARE being healthier by choosing them {tip: it’s just not}.
However, EF makes me happy. They really did it right, in my opinion.
96% of what they offer- from their made-to-order soups, salads, fresh juices and smoothies, to their grab-and-go salads, wraps and sandwiches, are actually healthy. As in actually clean, and actually made with all real food. Sarah-approved.Things I would make in my own kitchen with awesome fresh ingredients. And they are beautiful dishes and drinks– stunning actually, which makes it all more fun to get excited about eating it.
They even have organic meat and proteins, options for whole milk cheeses and dairy, sprouted grain breads, and soy or tofu is not a staple ingredient in anything. There’s something for everyone, no matter how extreme or beginner you are on the healthy scale. It’s a little like walking into heaven. Glowing, white, soothing, full of green juice and good stuff heaven.
Don’t have a EF store close to you yet? Just wait. They’re a’coming soon I’d bet. (In the meantime, lots of grocery stores and local natural market are carrying their fresh juices on their refrigerated shelves).
So, taking on the 3 day juice ritual was a pretty easy convincing job in my head. So what’s the deal?
What is the 3 Day Juice Ritual?: The basic premise is to drink freshly squeezed juices for 3 days in a row. Green juices, mixed vegetable and fruit juices, and coconut water or lemon-ginger based concoctions. You can choose your own adventure, or go with one of their pre-packs each day.
What’s The Purpose? By flooding your body with loads of phytochemicals, vitamins , live enzymes and nutrients, and reducing the amount of energy it takes for your body to digest things, your digestive system and organs can re-cooperate, detox, take a break and heal itself. And lord knows, most of us need that once in a while. If not physically, then mentally.
How Does It Work? EF offers these cool 6 packs– intentionally meant for 6 juices a day. You can do just the juices each day, or add some very clean foods like salads to help keep you satisfied and balanced.
And so, the road test begins.
3, 2, 1. Go.
Stay tuned for my journey, I’m documenting it all for you.
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can’t wait to hear how it goes!!
Did you work out while you were doing the Juice Detox? I would like to try this, but would maybe need to supplement with salads if I were to continue working out.
Hi Kate– Yes, I did work out all 3 days and was just fine, energy wise. I did salads and some food too, and everything went great.