There are few things in this world that drive me more crazy than people’s (mis)conceptions around healthy food.
That, we know. People have a million reasons why they “can’t” eat healthy, and most of them boil down to these 3 categories:
1. They don’t have the time (or more likely, they don’t realize how much of their daily life/energy/productivity is directly correlated to what they stick in their mouths).
2. Healthy food is boring and tastes gross (only if they’re eating lots of sugar and processed food at the same time- this coats their tastebuds in chemicals that block the true taste of real food. That, or they are defining healthy food as steamed vegetables. Gross.)
3. Healthy food is too expensive/hard to find/snooty (it’s all about what you’re looking for. Fancy so called healthy packaged food and snacks are expensive no matter where you shop. But that’s not truly “healthy” food. Switch this definition to real food, and suddenly there are a lot more options.)
And here’s more of the truth:
Some stores might make it easier to find real/whole/pure/normal/natural/clean food and other healthy products a bit faster than others, but there is always good stuff available in almost any store and for any budget, guaranteed.
I love all stores. I go to them for different reasons, occasions and vibes.
But the best store is the one that you have the least resistance to going to, or the place that you can be most efficient. (if you haven’t seen it yet, watch my video on 3 ways to simplify your shopping here for more tips on this).
I’ve done grocery shopping trips with people in Walmart, Whole Foods, Safeway, PCC, Trader Joe’s (see videos here and here) and everything in between.
But there is something about Costco that makes me feel like a little kid. You feel so small in those big stacked aisles, and you never know what’s next. And I like the corn maze type challenge of real food hunting. Bring it on.
It keeps me young.
That, and that I could tell myself I was “indoor exercising” and going to get a great deal. It gets me everytime.
So, just in case you don’t get endorphins from doing laps around the warehouse and you do love to buy in bulk and be healthy, here are my favorite recent healthy picks at Costco, food and otherwise.
1. Pacific Superfood Snacks Kale Chips: These are surprisingly good and super handy when you’re on the go. I loved that this 2 pack lasted me a lot longer than other smaller bags in other stores. Bonus: use the crumbs to sprinkle over salads or soups when you finish with the bigger bites.
2. Adidas Sport Socks: Alright, obviously not a food, but these are the best socks I own for workouts. Buy 2, and finally throw out all those mis-matched shrinky pairs. You won’t be sorry, these babies fit the best and last for long time. Plus, good socks makes working out way easier. Everyone knows that.
3. Good Earth Sweet N Spicy Herbal Tea: I’ve mentioned this tea a lot before, because it’s just so freaking good. It’s sweet tasting, caffeine free, and the perfect thing to drink when you’re craving something sweet after your meals. Also great iced!
4. Nutiva Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil... for days and days. Healthy days. Sometimes buying this container makes the entire trip worthwhile for a year for me. In your coffee or tea, in baking, melted on popcorn, for veggies or meat, or as a body lotion, this oil is a real-food kitchen staple with great medium chain fatty acids that be immediately absorbed for energy. Good for your metabolism too!
4. A Boat, A Whale and a Walrus by Renee Erickson.. beacause what’s a trip to Costco without a browse by the book section? And by books, I mean cookbooks. Obviously. #goseattle
6. Trappers Creek All Natural Wild Smoked Salmon.. as a snack, in scrambled eggs, on salads, in soups, on (gluten-free) toast or crackers as an app. Even though it’s Costco sized, this stuff goes scarily fast when it’s in my fridge and is so good for some quick protein and substance when you don’t have time to cook.
7. Eos Lip Balm.. mint is the best flavor, but how can you resist all of those fun colors? Totally natural stuff and my favorite brand at a great price (also great for little gifts).
other favorites:
– parchment paper
– glass food storage containers
– vitamix
– organic chicken sausages
– organic veggies + fruit for stirfrys, smoothies + soups (especially if you have a family to cook for).
– larabars
– organic irish sharp cheddar cheese
– unsalted mixed nuts
Do you shop at Costco too? What are your favorite healthy finds? Or, what are your favorite stores to shop at and why? Share below!
Costco also has big, reasonably priced bags of frozen berries to use in smoothies 🙂
This is a great topic. I try to do most of my shopping at Costco and then fill in the gaps at other stores as needed.
I second the frozen berries comment. They also have a decent selection of organic fruits and veggies in the produce section.
The steals at Costco though…I buy bulk organic chicken and ground beef at Costco and stick it in the freezer. Much more cost effective then other stores for organic meet.
I also get bulk organic coffee and organic eggs – plus brown rice, quinoa, organic olive oil, and oats.
They have a great selection of organic canned food basics too – organic diced tomatoes, organic canned beans, Amy’s soups, and sustainable tuna.
If you can stand frozen veggies, I find them very convenient, I also like the organic broccoli and green beans.
meat* (oops)