A good mail day is the best kind of day– right now especially. 🙂
I recently had a GREAT mail day: a restock of alllll my fav natural cleaning products from Branch Basics, and it reminded me of HOW often I get asked about this piece of the non-toxic, healthier living puzzle.
Because I think that so often, cleaning products are last on our list to “clean” up. In this process of cleaning up our lifestyles… choosing simpler, whole foods and natural beauty and personal products… home cleaning stuff can easily get pushed to the side.
But we also know there’s got to be a better (aka, more natural) way than crazy harsh chemicals to clean our homes.
Why?? Because the truth is– we want cleaning products that WORK. And tbh…… marketing professionals have convinced a LOT of us that if it isn’t filled with “fast-acting, germ-busting” synthetic chemicals, then it just won’t.
Mama, let me invite you to this side of the cleaning story and let you in on a little secret:
There are natural cleaning products out there that actually do WORK, that are made with simple + plant-based ingredients & that won’t harm you or your family’s health or wellbeing like some of the mainstream stuff can.
I’d argue it’s just as important as skincare, because the cleaning products you use go into the air you breathe & onto the surfaces you touch all day long (counters, the dishes you eat off of, the clothes that sit on your body all day long, etc). And all of that adds up over time. Synthetic fragrances, perfumes and scented cleaning products, sprays, etc that we’re taught are meant to smell “clean” can be especially scary for our lungs and cellular health as well.
Bottom line: there’s no need for the extra chemicals, toxic fragrances and dyes.Â
There’s stuff that works just as well (if not better) and can be better for you, better for the environment and just better for your whole family’s health.
You can TOTALLY make your own household cleaning sprays (naturally… see recipe below!) but for things like….. laundry detergent, toilet bowl cleaner, etc. there are some fab companies out there that do make awesome natural cleaners.
Truth: I bought the starter kit from Branch Basics for the first time off of sooo many friends’ recommendation, and I have gone a whole YEAR without having to restock. That’s how long it lasts.
Here’s a video allll about why I love it & how I use it (side note: this isn’t sponsored– I just truly LOVE this brand. It’s a women-owned small business and they are totally nailing it in this space of natural cleaning), plus a few of my other go-to natural home cleaning products.
What comes in the Branch Basics starter kit:
- They send you their big cleaning CONCENTRATE bottle that you put different ratios into different bottles mixed with water for it to make an all-purpose cleaner, a bathroom cleaner, a glass cleaner, a laundry detergent & foamy hand soap… Seriously. That ONE bottle of concentrate allows you to have multiple uses/refills of each of those cleaners. See how it can last for.ev.er??
- Plus you get a tub of their Oxygen Boost powder (think: OxyClean but natural). So good for tougher stains on laundry/carpet or greasy dishes with food stuck on them. It’s a power cleaner, but just made way gentler than the other things out there.
I am sooo in love with this brand that I emailed them and they so graciously gave me a code to pass along to you guys! Use code simplyrealhealth for 10% off all starter kits through September 30th!!
In addition to Branch Basics….
Other natural cleaning products that I use + love:
Branch Basics covers a LOT of ground but I do have a few other go-tos in my arsenal of natural cleaning products!
- Puracy Natural Stain Remover: as much as I love BB’s Oxygen Boost powder, sometimes you just need something to spray on clothes/fabrics/shoes etc, and QUICKLY. And this stuff IS AMAZING. I literally order it in bulk now and it gets out evvvverrrry kind of stain.
- Seventh Generation dye-free fragrance-free chlorine-free bleach: I know. Bleach gets the job done in ways that some stuff just can’t and this more natural alternative is so so good. It’s my go-to for tougher cleaning needs!
- I also currently have been using Seventh Generation’s unscented laundry detergent (along with Branch Basics too) and their dish soap and dishwashing detergent too. Just always make sure it’s fragrance and dye free whenever possible.
- And!!! Primally Pure (you guys know, my all-time fav on the natural product scene) is now doing seasonal room sprays and essential oils to use in your home. The summer room spray and summer essential oil are sooo amazing. As always, you can get 10% off your order using code simplyrealhealth!
Plus, a lil’ homemade all-purpose cleaner! I use this all over the house on all surfaces (like even my yoga mat, the highchair, as a room freshener, etc….) –>
- 2 cups distilled white vinegar
- 2 cups water
- I like to add 15 drops peppermint and 8 drops of tea tree. Tea tree is an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal so I love using it here, but use whatever scents you like (lemon, grapefruit, orange, etc).
- Mix it up in a spray bottle and voila! This is my favorite glass spray bottle. Use on all the things or as a natural room spray.
If you’re ready to start transitioning to a cleaner lifestyle overall, and just get away from ALL of the chemicals in so many everyday products, you have so, so many options to work with friends. For your kids, for your pets, for your household, and for yourself! It’s just one of those things that’s sneaky, that we’re never really taught about– but the good news it there are so many good options that are EASY, no more expensive and simple to swap out.
Tell me your favorite products in a comment below! You know I love trying any & all natural options for, well… anything!
Drop a comment with your favorite cleaning products. 🙂
Need some more ideas on taking care of yourself this season?
Grab 28 of my favorite ways to get grounded, no matter how crazy life feels around you, here.Â
Hi Sarah – Love this post! What are your thoughts on fragrances for laundry detergent when the brand is still natural (e.g. Seventh Generation)? My hubby grew up with the mega chemical detergents and doesn’t feel like laundry is actually clean unless he can smell something 🙂
It just depends on the ingredients! Some natural brands like Puracy do have scented detergents made using clean ingredients.
Hi Sarah – Love this post! What are your thoughts on fragrances for laundry detergent when the brand is still natural (e.g. Seventh Generation)? My husband grew up with the mega chemical detergents and doesn’t feel like laundry is actually clean unless he can smell something 🙂
You just have to look at the ingredients! I prefer scent-free but know some brands like Puracy have scented detergent made using clean ingredients.
Thank you so much for this! Three questions, 1. What do you use to clean your toilets? 2. What do you use in your dishwasher? 3. How do you determine when fragrance-free versus fragrance options are okay? For example you use Dr bronner’s peppermint, but fragrance-free 7th generation. Just curious cuz I can never figure out a good rule of thumb!
I actually love Dr bronner’s for hand washing dishes BTW! I know you use that as your body wash I think. Might be a nice upgrade from 7th generation of you’re looking for it. Blueland is another small, woman owned business similar to branch basics. They have tablets for all of their cleaners and actually work. Although since trying branch basics, I think I do prefer the concentrate – because, efficiency! Also, they now have glass bottles So yay for being more environmentally friendly!