Some of you may have seen my post earlier this week about my jicama purchase.
I l-o-v-e it.
The cold, crunchy, sweetness is so good to me this time of year.What is it? It’s a veggie like celery but without the bitter bite at the end. Like watermelon but without the intense sweetness. It’s most often found in fresh mexican type of food [another fav], and some of the bigger salad bars around town.
And, truth be told, I always devour it when it’s somewhere else and cut for me. But, in the spirit of following my own advice [which I do, do] of getting something new of the healthy sort to try everytime I go to the store, I decided it was time to buy one on my own and try it.
First of all.
Jicama looks like this. Who knew?
Even I had to confirm with the produce guy. What a weird thing!
Am I alone on this one? Did everyone already know this?
Of course, it just made me more interested.
So much so, I left the car door open when lugging my little groceries in…
I just couldn’t wait to get in and cut that thing open. The anticipation was killing me.
[Why I tell you these things, I do not know. I hope you’ll keep reading anyways.]So, this is what ensued. A perfect make-it-however-you-like-it dish. Totally customizable on your tastes. I added watermelon to the jicama first, then cucumber as a second thought to get more veggies in. Avocado would be amazing too, but I was too excited and impatient this round.
So, if you come up with something good, let us all know in those comments below!
Choose-your-own-adventure style.
Plus, with this recipe you only use half of the veggie, so you’ve got a bonus snacks for the next few days.
And who doesn’t love bonus snacks– especially when they are good for you?
Jicama-Watermelon Salad with Feta, Mint + Balsamic
(makes approximately 2 servings)
1/2 jicama (peel and cut the whole thing, then use the extra for other snacks + side dishes–see below)
1 small watermelon cut into cubes or 2 cups pre-cut watermelon cubes
1 cucumber, peeled, seeds scooped out and sliced into cubes (of similar sizes to jicama and watermelon)
8-10 fresh mint leaves, chopped (see video how-to below)
balsamic vinegar for drizzling
sea salt + pepper for sprinkling
crumbled feta, goat or gorgonzola cheese + slivered almonds/chopped pistachios or other nuts of your choice (both optional)
1. Peel and slice jicama into cubes. First, cut skin off with a small knife you can control well (be careful- be sure the knife is sharp!)
Then slice into 1/2 inch thick slices [watch this 6 second Vine video I made– I’ve been loving it lately!: How To Cut Jicama Video]
Save half of your jicama sticks and submerge with cold water for the fridge. Aka, great snacking on it’s own, or drizzle with lime juice, sea salt and a pinch of cayenne pepper for another awesome salad.
Then, turn your matchsticks sideways and slice into cubes:
2. Add jicama to a large-ish mixing bowl.
3. Cut watermelon into cubes (or add your pre-cut pieces). Do the same with your cucumber pieces. In the bowl they go. Toss (very) gently with a spoon to evenly distribute your pretty little cubes.
4. Gently plate the mixture on your serving bowl or plate. Sprinkle with chopped nuts of your choice, cheese of your choice (optional), and sprinkle with sea salt + pepper. Drizzle with balsamic vinegar over the top.
5. Chop your mint and sprinkle over the top to finish. Don’t know the best way to chop your herbs– you’re in luck. Check out my favorite way here [another tiny, little Vine video for you: How To Chop Fresh Herbs]
Other amazing additions or substitutions? Try cubed avocado, chopped celery, shredded organic chicken or pork, quinoa, fresh peaches or plums, lime juice, or serve over arugula or other greens of your choice. Whatever summer foods you love can easily be incorporated here.
Looking for even more summertime recipe ideas?!
Download my free guide with 5 summer recipes you need to live your best life!
Mmmm feta. You are going to have to teach me what Jicama is!
Sent from my iPhone
Gladly– already eaten my way through a whole one this week. New favorite!
This looks awesome! Thanks for sharing!
Looks delicious! I learned something new 🙂
I don’t normally like watermelon but this gives it a whole new spin – great summery idea!
I know, I feel the same! It’s usually too sweet for me, but the jicama balances it out so well. Thanks for stopping by!