I can’t believe it’s been almost 4 whole months since sweet June joined us earthside. It’s been the biggest blessing of our year, and she is such a beautiful, chill, sweet, cuddly, rolly & perfect addition to our family. It actually blows my mind daily.
I get questions all the time from new mamas and mamas-to-be about our favorite items for this newborn and newly postpartum phase. I did a huuuuge, full breakdown of SO many products and resources we loved (for baby & mama both) after Noah was born, and pretty much all of those things still ring true!
You can find it here for LOTS of ideas that cover the gamut of postpartum healing, baby gear, breastfeeding tips and basics, homecare supplies, mental health resources and easy meal ideas for those first few weeks/months that can be, well… tough, and sleep deprived.
And you can consider THIS post you’re reading the addendum to that one. I love and stand by everything in that post (and actually referenced it as I neared my due date to make sure we were all set on all things baby and mama care!) but there are a few things worth mentioning again or that we found for the first time this time around!
The Best Baby Gear + Basics
Boppy Nursing Pillow: I keep this downstairs and use a different pillow upstairs for nursing. It’s so convenient how it wraps around your body and brings baby to breast (instead of you having to hunch over). And you can use it for other things like a prop for tummy time or a cushion around them once they’re learning to sit up!
Boppy Nursing Pillow Cover: I’m obsessed with this simple striped linen cover.
My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow: I keep this one upstairs. Excessive maybe for some but it makes life so much easier if you’re nursing in different places around the house. I like that this one forms around your body and even has pockets to hold your phone, snacks, nursing pads, etc.!
Solly Baby Wrap: These are theeee softest, prettiest, comfiest carriers for newborns (like, comfy for baby AND you). And they’re so beautiful and well made. It takes a little practice getting used to putting it on/putting baby in it, but once you have it down you’ll be able to do it in less than a minute! I have the light tan one with dots, and also absolutely love their crib sheet selection, too. You can save 10% on your order with code SIMPLY10.
UppaBaby Vista Stroller: this is def an investment but if you’re getting out for walks and using a stroller daily or almost daily, it’s completely worth it (esp. if you know you’ll want more babies and can use it again)! It’s such a great stroller, and I also recommend getting this rider board for toddlers if you have an older kiddo who wants to come along for walks.
Nursing cover: this is seriously beautiful, discreet and lightweight. More power to you if you’re able to whip it out and nurse wherever, but if you want/prefer to cover up, I love this $30 cover option from a small business/etsy.
Nursing bras (that aren’t matronly): And that you can wear actual shirts with, like a normal bra. Love these. Super comfortable, supportive and fit throughout the various stages (and sizes) you might experience in your breastfeeding journey.
Nursing tanks: my favorite ones to sleep in and wear around the house in those early months. Easy to clip up/down to feed your little one anywhere, anytime!
Baby washcloths you’ll want to steal yourself: fair warning. June and I officially share these, I love how soft they are!
Carseat cover: ok ok, this is about as girly as it gets, lol. I can’t help it this time.
Infantino carrier: most infant carriers are $$$$ but this one is extremely affordable & fits a newborn perfectly until you know if your baby likes it enough to invest in a more expensive one
This diaper pail: so much less expensive than the fancy ones but it looks great and keeps things even tidier than the fancy one I had with Noah.
This bottle: looks more like a boob shape than others, and I love that there aren’t a ton of parts to it. No leaks yet either… and plus it’s just so cute!
The windi: removes gas (and nighttime crying) soo well, esp for the peak fussy times of 6-8 weeks old. Lifesaver!
This calendula baby oil: non-greasy and won’t stain those cute clothes, yet pure and simple ingredient wise.
Travel noise machine: this is everything when we’re on the go and need a quick nap. Drowns out other noises so that they can feel calm & relaxed enough to sleep.
These syringes for colostrum: one of the best things I did this time around was start hand expressing colostrum around week 38. It helped my milk and colostrum after birth come in so much quicker! I stored it in these syringes and popped them in the freezer to be able to thaw and use once she got here.
A clean electrolyte powder (for mama): this helped me so much post birth, in the early nursing days, and now when I need a boost. Since hydration is a huge factor in milk production, I would use this daily as a afternoon boost. I had the hardest time finding one that wasn’t full of sugar, or other processed sugar replacements (stevia, monkfruit, etc). I love that this one isn’t too sweet, is made with natural cane sugar (but not a ton of it) and is easy to have on the go. It makes water taste a little more special when you’re guzzling so much of it. I recc the lemon-lime flavor. I tried the blood orange but it had more sugar in it that I thought, so check each flavor before you order!
Baby Girl Clothes I’m Obsessed With
Onesies with zippers: love this brand! So soft with simple colors, and less expensive than other well-known brands but just as great of quality!
Newborn hat with bow: perfect for hospital and taking home photos. And the bow is sooo sweet.
Newborn swaddles & bows: I have all of these and love them. They’re so soft & beautiful! Tye dye, floral and autumn floral.
Pink pom pom cardigan: I mean, the absolute cutest.
Floral PJs with magnet buttons: magnetic pajamas are truly the world’s best baby invention. So cute and easy to get on/off for quick diaper changes!
Kimono style onesies: love these soft wrappable jumpsuits!
Floral knotted headband: I can’t with these, so precious and I love the watercolor floral print.
Blue floral shirt + pants set: but does it come in my size???
Maroon velour sweatsuit: is this the coziest, sweetest little thing you’ve ever seen?
Tan knit set: so simple and affordable and cute!
Jean overall skirt: gaaahhhh, I couldn’t resist with this!
Soft pants: set of 2 pairs, and nice neutral colors to go with anything!
Sherpa onesie: with bear ears?! So cute. And great for chilly winter outings!
Maroon corduroy overall skirt: again with the overall skirts… I can’t!
Tan sweater romper with dots: love this simple, cozy onesie!
Mustard polka dot zip-up onesie: love these zipper onesies for jammies!
Mint green pants & shirt set: such a sweet, simple set for everyday!
These bows. So soft, stretchy & they don’t come untied.
Love that you added the colostrum syringes this go round! Makes such a difference!
What brand diapers do you use? So many options!
We use and love Honest brand, and Water Wipes for wipes!