Note: This is probably the longest post I have ever, ever written, so I turned into a little series. On starting, creating and building this little business known as Simply Real Health. The real, un-edited version.
Haven’t caught up yet? Start here, with Part 1 right here, Part 2 here, and Part 3 here first, for this to make sense.
So by now, I know exactly what you’re thinking:
Oh, how hearts-and-stars-and-rainbows magical for you. You’re lucky. It’s a great story, but that would never happen for me. It couldn’t.
Um, oh hi. Did I catch you? If yes, hold it right there, sister.
I know.
I get it.
I used to read people’s dreamy stories to more freedom and success, all the time, and I would think the same thing. Like– yeah, well, they’re special.
They have… [fill in the blank]: all the answers, someone paying their bills, way better hair, or they have that no-fear thing, that I just don’t.
Or, they knew something that I didn’t.
Well, let me tell you something that I wish I knew then: those thoughts in itself, are something worth digging into.
Of lower-level thinking.
Of limiting yourself.
Of comparing yourself to other people– when we are each on our own unique journey. And each have something so NEEDED to bring to this world, if we can just get out of our own way.
Because ultimately, that mentality exposes 2 things that are much deeper and so NECESSARY to examine before you even think about taking a jump into entrepreneurship of any kind. Or life.
And that is this:
#1: being in-tune enough in the first place, to follow your gut, your drive, and your sense that there must be something more, instead of just existing in autopilot for your entire life….
balanced with:
#2: actually taking action. Like, real steps to make things happen. Even if it’s baby steps. And even if it’s scary.
Wait. Especially if it’s scary.
Because, here’s the thing, that you can’t run away from:
Starting a business requires a mindset shift, first.
It’s about learning to say yes to YOU: your life, and investing in yourself and your own personal development and growth.
It’s taking a bet on yourself.
In the beginning stages, especially. But, also as a continual work in progress.
Because deep down, accomplishing amazing things in your life (in your work, relationships, family, health, etc) stems from one powerful and grounding truth: knowing yourself best.
Owning that to the very deepest parts of your soul, makes everything else easier.
It’s feeling that you are worth investing in your own dream– whatever that is. It’s a mindset, and a commitment that you have to make. That no matter what, you can figure it out.
A mindset of YES. No problems, only questions to ask.
And that there’s always a solution.
It’s about trusting that there are always answers, and always people and resources and little angels almost, to guide you to the next step.
That part requires faith, definitely.
It’s something I still have to remind myself, oh…daily.
And it’s a faith comes from that deep inner knowing. Of yourself, and of the process. And having confidence enough in both.
Honestly– I’m not going to kid you. If you don’t have those two things, starting a business will grind you down. And it just won’t work very well.
And you know what?
Yup, it doesn’t just magically happen. It requires some work.
Inner work.
Of not only being ok with the obstacles set in front of you, but embracing them with huge freaking welcoming bear hugs.
Loving them, even, for how much they can teach you. And how much they will push you to grow beyond what you think you can do.
That kind of work will always be worth every single second, for the way that it will change and expand your life.
To me, there’s no one right way to do it, timeline wise, story wise.
But without that growth mindset and willingness, it’s just going to be a much harder road.
- Of knowing exactly who you are, so well and innately.
- Of continual self growth and development.
- Of always continuing to learn, to grow and to invest in that knowledge like it’s nobody’s business.
Because truthfully– running a business requires is so much more than hustle and drive.
And I wish that someone had to me that before I started.
That, yes, you need that crazy work ethic and and belief in what you are doing. But, running a business also requires a humbleness, a commitment to continual growth, and the resilience that comes from those two things combined.
So much of it the journey is mental– how you talk to yourself, the limits you set, fears that set in, and the ways that make you play small.
Starting and owning a business requires hustle, yes– but even more so, a really strong mental game. That knowing exactly who are are, will help you learn what you are here to do.
It’s why I think every single book, podcast, program, journaling, meditation, and classes, workshops and finding a community of people who are on similar missions with their lives, are so important.
They all play a role in you learning yourself best, so you can take it and RUN higher with it.
But then following up those things, with actual action. Even tiny daily ones. Especially tiny daily ones, I learned. Things like how to better structure my day, organize my calendar and books, and harness my energy and stay inspired.
And, patience. Getting rid of the expectation that I’d have ONE BIG BREAK or thing that really just tipped the scales and made my business explode.
Sexier, yes.
What happened in reality? Well for me…no. It wasn’t even close.
I wish I could tell you that within a few months, Simply Real Health was OFF THE CHARTS, wildly rolling in the dough.
With wait lists and clients just knocking down the door.
I wish. Ha!
The TRUTH: I gave myself a full year without looking at the financials. Of just putting my head down, taking the pressure off of needing to make a certain amount, and focusing on the essentials:
My foundation.
My message.
What problem I was helping to solve, and who I was solving it for. And then, how to reach them.
Honestly, and authentically, and without trying to copy anybody else.
It’s why B-school changed my life and my trajectory, because it FORCED me to face and address these bigger foundational pieces head on. Right in the beginning of my business while I was building a foundation. Without time for fear or wavering or head chatter or stalling.
It made me sit down and do it. Address these huge pivotal pieces, so I could move on to the crazy fun stuff. The creativity, the juiciness. The crafting of my life and dreams, beyond my wildest imagination.
If I had tried to do it on my own, I have no doubt that the fire drill of the startup life would have consumed my every bit of energy (emails! the website person! this person wanting to book! taxes!).
All the things that would have gotten in the way of the actual, more important and deeper work.
And that clarity of WHAT TO DO FIRST was a gift that just started to permeate into everything in my life.
And because of it, my business has grown steadily, and continually. Year by year. In huge ways, each time. Even and especially so this past year, as I worked less than half the time with pregnancy & being a new mama. Because my foundation was set solidly, first.
But not all at once, or an overnight success. And it’s been a physical, mental, emotional AND spiritual journey– that piece, I definitely did not expect.
That all cylinders have to be firing and connected for things to really move forward. You can’t just throw yourself into one part of your life, and hope the others hobble along. They won’t, because when you start a business out of a passion and drive for something you love, the two are one and the same.
And the sooner you realize this and embrace it, the better.
So, if I can leave you with just one thing today, it’s this:
That if you feel that little sense of yearning, of that gut feeling or instinct, LISTEN.
Take a moment to get quiet, in the midst of all your routines and the whirl of daily life, and ask yourself, what, exactly is holding you back from taking more action in your life?
Is it something real, or something that you’ve convinced yourself of in your head?
You are worth it. Worth creating a business you love, and a life you love, because of it.
Of seeking that clarity.
That one thing that will help you focus on the things that actually matter, instead of all the noise.
That every investment you make in your own growth and self, is always worth it.
And to stop just thinking about it, like a far away dream.
And actually do something about it. Take the jump, and leap. To trust that the net will appear. And that when you look back on your life, you will never regret taking the chance to live bigger, more loudly, more free, and more serving of the gifts that you were put on this earth to share.
Big sister, out.
You’re up, my love.
Stay tuned for Part 5 coming next week..
The wild journey continues…
Wow! I was nodding my head steadily while reading this entire post! I couldn’t decide if I should set it down to journal or KEEP READING! (I did both) this is so pure, transparent and real. Thank you for sharing! I feel energized knowing you are out there doing the things. I feel so kindred to everything in your message. Thank you for putting yourself out here and keepin on keepin on!
Thank you!!