Tomatoes for dinner. Tis the season, as they say.
Why not?
So maybe I’m not over my European style of eating just yet.
I’m gonna roll with it. None of you have complained yet.
You don’t need a recipe for this one, and you can adjust it however you’d like or keep it as pictured:
Spanish Olive Caprese Salad Ingredients:
3-4 very ripe slicing or heirloom tomatoes
handful of baby tomatoes (orange or yellow gives it great color)
6-8 small mozzarella balls, sliced in half
handful of spanish green olives
handful of fresh basil
sprinkle with high quality sea salt, pepper and drizzle with some extra virgin olive oil.
Other great additions: different types of cheeses, adding capers, roasted red peppers, pepperocinis, red pepper flakes, chopped garlic, or chopped parsley. Serve on it’s own with small plates or with a great crusty loaf of bread and olive oil {I love Seattle locals Essential Baking Co, Macrina Bakery or Flying Apron (gluten & dairy free)}.
This looks like heaven on a plate! Wonderful, thank you.
You’re welcome Suzanne! It’s definately a fail proof little appetizer. Let me know what you think if you try it!