WHAT: Party, party, party-time.
WHO: You, silly. And anyone you want to bring. To celebrate like crazy.
WHY: Because after a year in the making, The Simply Real Health Cookbook will be here March 20th to have and hold. Woop de woop woop!
BRING: Yourself, your book (if you pre-ordered one, and no it’s not too late to do so), or a check if you’d like to buy one on the spot.
Each event will have snacks and treats from the book to try, and drinks, depending on the location.
Come stop by, say hi or hang for a while! Signings happening at all locations.
Sunday March 22nd, 2-3pm @ Fly Fitness, Kirkland
Tuesday, March 24th, 7-8pm @ Evolution Fresh, University Village
Wednesday, March 25th, 4-5pm @ Evolution Fresh, Bellevue
Saturday, March 28th, 2-3pm @ West Elm, Westlake
Tuesday, March 31st, 7-9pm @ Makers Space, Seattle
Thursday, April 2nd, 11:30am- 1 pm @ Lululemon, Bellevue Square
Saturday, April 4th, 5-8 pm @ Williams Sonoma, University Village
Friday, April 10th, 7-8 pm @ Strala Seattle (yoga workshop, books + treats)
Thursday, April 7th, 11:30 am- 1 pm @ Oil + Vinegar, Bellevue Square (snacks included)
Friday, May 8th, 4-5 pm @ Queen Anne Bookstore (cocktails + snacks on the patio)
Saturday, May 9th, 1:30 pm-2:30 pm @ PCC Greenlake
Thursday, June 18th @ Columbia Tower Club, 5:30 pm-7:30 pm
Wednesday, June 24th @ Book Larder
Friday, July 17th, Bite of Seattle Live Cooking Demo 6-7 pm
Tuesday, November 5th @ King 5’s New Day Northwest (get live audience tickets!), 10-11am
Saturday, November 28th @ Queen Anne Book Company 10am-12pm
Wednesday, January 6th @ King 5’s New Day Northwest (get live audience tickets!), 10-11am
Thursday, December 19th, @ Pipe and Row Boutique 4-8pm
Thursday, January 21st, 2016 @ Lululemon Bellevue Square
Order your copy now!
I will be at one of your signing parties! I will have the copy of your cookbook with me because I want it signed by the author! I hope to bring one of my newest staff with me. I want her to meet you and connect with you. I think you two would hit it off fabulously. Her name is Nette Brintzenhofe.
I am the social chair of Twin Orchards Country Club in Long Grove, IL and I’m looking for an entertainer for our Social Luncheon in June. The women requested a chef to perform a cooking demonstration. Is this something you do. We can also include book signing. Looking forward to your response.
Thank you,
Hi Sheryl,
Aw, thank you for asking! I’d love to do this, but I am actually getting married in June and will be booked up that month. xo, Sarah