It’s been a long week. A hard one, for my whole family. Early this week, we all lost my dear, sweet 26 year old cousin. Who kind of just lit up the world with his big smile and easy, laid-back + happy nature. And amazingly fierce love of his family.
Which is no small feat. Especially when there is over 50 of them [in the immediate circle].
It’s been a week of shock and a lot of tears, and more unknowns that anyone knows what to do with.
But as each person touched down in Seattle, from New York, Boston, Maryland, Africa and Portland, it’s been a week of something else entirely so.
Love. The intense no-questions asked, no-matter-what, kind of love. That swoops up and in. And around. And through you. Even when you are rocked to your core.
Especially when you are rocked to you core.
The sweet reminder that it is all that really matters. Loving people. And being loved. With such strong conviction, intention + joy.
And family. And friends like family. Who gather, wrap you up and revel in that kind of love that almost seems unexplainable.
Little reminders of how powerful those forces are in our life that we can never see or touch or even put words to sometimes.
It’s been a week of all of those things.
That I think of almost continually as I immerse myself in the kitchen. Processing it all and cooking with a peace so different than all the events and catering. For my family.
Because I love them. And want to share it. To do something for them.
Because it seems like the least thing I can do for everyone packed into all of our Seattle houses. When my hands feel busy and my mind can wander and be reminded of the things that really matter.
To gather, to eat, to love on each other in big ways and small. And how food is usually at the center of all of those moments. And the importance of it, for that reason alone.
So, today a recipe. For my family. Given to me from my friend-like-family [thank you sweet Jenna].
So that you can share it with yours.
And do the same. To take the time to gather. To love. To just be with each other. And to be reminded of the gift that even that can be.
Do it. This week. This weekend. With the people that you love most. Soak in in, give it out. It’s never time that you’ll wonder if you wasted or if it was worth it. It always is, no matter the season, the occasion or reason, the most important thing.
Egg, Potato + Veggie Bake
Makes approximately 10 servings
1 dozen cage-free organic eggs
1 onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1 package sliced mushrooms (cremini or white)
2 handfuls of baby potatoes, cut into quarters (approx 8-10)
1 red bell pepper
1 head chard, kale or spinach, chopped [optional]
1/2 cup ricotta cheese [whole milk version] [optional]
1 package herbs of your choice [chives, basil or parsley, or any combination of the three]
[Overview: cook potatoes, saute veggies, saute greens, whisk eggs and layer in a baking sheet in that order. Dollop with ricotta cheese + bake]
1. Preheat oven to 350. Bring a pot of water to boil [enough to cover the potatoes]. Add potatoes when ready, and cover and cook for 10-12 minutes until mostly softened.
2. Saute chopped garlic + onions in a large frying pan [with coconut, butter or olive oil]. Add mushrooms next. Add chopped peppers 3-4 minutes later until veggies are mostly cooked through and sprinkle with sea salt and pepper. Keep heat on the oven- you will be cooking the chard in this same pan next.
3. Drain potatoes and add them to the bottom of a rectangular glass or ceramic baking dish. Add sauteed veggies over the potatoes. Saute your greens until they wilt and add them to your baking dish.
4. Whisk 12 eggs in a bowl with sea salt, pepper and chopped herbs. Optional to add some milk or other grated cheese into the eggs here if you’d like as well. Pour the egg mixture into the baking dish, spreading it around evenly. Dollop with ricotta cheese [optional] and bake for 20-25 mins depending on the depth of your pan. You just want to wait until the middle is no longer liquidy and gooey.
Serve hot or at room temperature for breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner. This recipe can all be assembled ahead of time and baked right before serving, making it an ideal thing for large groups, and easy to customize with your favorite toppings.
Other great additions to this recipe: crumbled organic sausage, other veggies of your choice [zucchini. leeks, tomatoes, etc], hot sauce or chopped sweet potatoes.
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Simply Real Health, Inc is a healthy lifestyle company on a mission to educate, teach and inspire others to live their happiest + healthiest life. Read more about Sarah here.
This was delicious! What I loved the most is how clean and fresh it tasted