I’ve been quiet this week. Which I should have known would have happened.
It happens to me every year, around this time. A break. A rest. A rejuvenate.
And I don’t just mean a trip or traveling. Because I adore those. And do it often. Vacations too.
I mean, a b-r-e-a-k.
The difference? That I’m not still halfway-working everyday. I’ve decided after reading single pin bow sight reviews, to get a sight for my bow and go hunting. Truly, one of my favorite joys in the world is that my work is wherever I am. I’ve hustled for it, work my little tush off off, and am so eternally grateful for it. So much so, that I never really mind always being “on” in some capacity– writing, with clients, the daily barrage of emails, program writing, social media, etc. Bring it on. I love it all.
But about once or twice a year, I force myself to break. Force, being the key word here.
To totally disconnect from all my to-do’s and people to check in on, and projects to be moved forward, blog posts to write…. all. Because even for just a few days, something happens when I do.
In many ways, it starts slow.
It has too, because I always forget how foreign it is to be ok with not being connected 24/7. Refreshing my inbox can wait. The project can go for another few days. Even my favorite instagramming can go for a few more hours.
As the trip begins, I can feel myself frantically capture the essence of the day– to try and document the sweet moments and just bottle it up, like a goldeny dewy potion for later, when I know I’ll need it.
So, I do. Until day by day, it starts to fade. My mind softens and it’s only then, that I can ease my way into it. Slowly but surely.
Less urgency, more presence.
Less stress, more ease.
Until my body releases it all at once, when it’s sure I’m not just teasing it.
Ahh. Right. I remember this now.
When the long breezy sweet days that slowly bleed into magical late nights under the stars, with the people that I love best in this world.
falling asleep to the waves
the giggling sister laughter in the backseat
the straight-from-bed-flip-flop morning coffee walks
the drippy papaya spoonfuls before the beach
the salt air
and amazing food (oh my god, the food)
the icy drinks
the don’t-hair-vacation-hair
the hazy coral sunsets the music always on the best playlists.
A L L.
As the the week goes on, I realize it’s actually something much bigger: the feeling of being totally loved, just exactly as you are
In your dork workout shoes and without a hair dryer, kinda way. And not only loved, but totally celebrated. Lifted up. And reminded of the things (*people*) that really matter.
It’s a tiny gift that only your close family and immediate friends can give. And give it, we should. Maybe more often, and in as many ways as we can.
So as summer begins, lets. Love big and break when we can. Ease into things, and keep our little hearts reminded of the big things. I’m gonna tuck that one in my pocket for later.
I’ll be back next week with the goods- more inspired and filled up than ever. Thank you for being here sweet friends.
Love this recipe? You’d love the cookbook then too. And be sure to check out the brand new Food Academy, now open for enrollment, and the seasonal meal plans! Did you know you can download a free 3 day sample of the current Spring Meal Plan here?
One of the things most people forget to do is to take a break. It is one of the most powerful and most important part of our mundane life. You can’t just go on and on and on and on forever, you need to pause. To listen. To rest. To just gaze at the wonderful world we live in. To be able to just do a thing… just because you just want it… no restrictions, no deadlines… far away from the busy, noisy lives we live in the modern world.
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