Update! All 25 spots have been filled for this pilot round. If you’d like to be on the waitlist for the next round, email me at [email protected]. Thank you!
Last week, I made a big announcement. The first ever group pilot program is here!
It’s ready. I’m ready. And waiting for a few good people who couldn’t feel more relieved to get more calm, confident and steady with their food and their relationship to it.
Are you one of my people?
Here’s how to know:
If you want a quick fix, or short spurts of perfection and extremes (and long ones of guilt), this is not for you.
It’s for real. With results that last for the long haul and for the beautiful game of life.
I know what you’re thinking. It seems like almost an impossible thing. How is that even possible? And especially in 6 weeks time?
And why would it be worlds different than every other diet, program, plan, routine you’ve done before?
Does it really change you, to the core?
All great questions, and ones that I would be asking myself, if I were you.
And the answer is yes. HUGELY. Widely. And humbly.
Because it pretty much boils down to one thing:
You actually and finally learn how to tune in to your own body (and what that even means!), instead of just following weird rules you’ve “heard” you should do to be healthier. And a specific plan of action and almost daily baby steps to take to get there.
And the why.
And the what. So you can learn to think on your own.
Because whether you like it or not, you will take yourself wherever you go. Which is why external solutions and strategies never actually work for a long term, rest-of-your-life, kind of a way.
Because life and food will always intersect. So instead of ignoring it, what about actually addressing it?
Actually learning how to read your body and be nicer to it- both physically, mentally, and emotionally.
It’s a game changer. And my most favorite work. Now, in a group format! It’s almost too fun for me to think about.
So, because almost 175 of you responded to my last post wanting to get on the interest list, here is everything you might need to know to join in and grab one of the few spots left!
The Details:
Registration opens Tuesday, October 12th.
Please note! Space is extremely limited. For this first pilot round, there are only 25 spots available. First come, first serve.
The Schedule:
Join me for a welcome video call Wednesday, October 21st at 12pm PT/ 3pm ET and 6pm PT/9pm ET. This call is optional! Week 1 assignments will be sent out for the week this day too.
Each Monday, the podcast and assignments will be sent out for the week. You have all week to listen and complete the assignments on your own sweet schedule.
Each Wednesday at 12pm PT/3pm ET and 6pm PT/9pm ET there will be a optional video call to come chat with me and bring any questions about the week’s topic or situations in your own life you’d like to learn to navigate.
That’s Wednesday 10/21, 10/28, Monday 11/2, 11/11, 11/18, 11/25.
Weekly Topics:
Week 1: Real Food 101. Everything you need to know, and everything you can happily ignore when it comes to food, diets, the rules, and exactly what to look for. How to start living a real food lifestyle, made simple. The big kahuna, in other words. More about your brain and the psychology behind eating.
Week 2: Food specifics on dairy, grains, coffee, sugar, alcohol. What you need to know! How to meal plan, the best way to order out, and practical daily life tips. Real food in the real world. And what happens inside your body when you commit to it.
Week 3: How to actually tune in to your body for real, all about hunger, emotions and stress. Clutter foods and triggers (and what to do about them). Why this piece is always missing and why it makes the biggest difference in a long term healthy life.
Week 4: On gratitude, to be nourished on all levels, how to savor your food, how to infuse more joy into your life and why it matters to do so. On the feelings you crave the most in life.
Week 5: On constant inspiration and growth. Meditation. Growing your spiritual practice and your connection to God and the whole universe. Being honest with your soul. What are you ignoring, stuffing down.
Week 6: What happens when you mess up. How to get yourself back in the groove. Easy tips, tricks and ways to create a plan.
What’s included (whoa):
- a lifetime membership in this program. Participate every single year, for free
- weekly easy recipes and take-action challenges to keep you inspired and focused
- recorded weekly podcast lectures to listen to on your own schedule
- a group forum and community of loving, helpful women rooting for you too
- optional live weekly video calls on Wednesdays to chat, ask questions and talk about real life situations and strategies around it
- weekly homework assignments to help you take massive action and keep you accountable
- welcome basket of all my favorite healthy things
- pre-program checklist to get you all ready to go
- personal access to Sarah for individual questions and help throughout the whole process
A one-on-one 6 week program is usually $1,500.
For this intro pilot round only, there are 2 payments of $325. That’s $650 total, and less than half the cost of a normal 6 week program. And it’s packed to the brim. Overflowing, even, with so many goodies.
You’ll help provide feedback and get to be in the first round ever for a program like this. Kinda fun, right?
Grab a spot here: half payment or full payment.
Space is very limited for this first round to make sure that everyone gets individual attention.
Be on the lookout for the pre-program checklist right after you register!
More about Sarah:
Sarah Adler is the founder of Simply Real Health, author of the Simply Real Health Cookbook, and is a woman on a mission to teach people how to eat more simply, more beautifully and with more fun, so they can free up their lives for the things that really matter most.
She loves: good food, better wine, green smoothies, homemade craft cocktails, traveling to big cities and beach cities, yoga, workout classes, her vitamix, good coffee, soft clothes and cozy socks, crazy pants, finding a great deal, candles, old timey music, cooking with abandon, learning how to use her camera, having people over for dinner, summer- in general, everything about it, podcasts, anywhere the sunshine is, rooms that are white and airy, massive salads, the ocean, and people with good souls.
Her work is featured in Cooking Light Magazine, Brit and Co, Clementine Daily, 425 Magazine, Seattle Magazine, Well + Good, Refinery 29, and Women’s Day. She writes, speaks and teaches her philosophy of a healthy life, made simple all across the country.
Who is this program perfect for?
- you feel like you do all the right things, and put a lot of time, effort and energy into being healthy, but something feels like it’s not fully clicking
- you’re confused by food. Overwhelmed, even.
- you look at others and wonder how it is so freaking easy for them to eat and be happy and have no guilt or not have to worry about their weight?!
- you are sort of black and white about being healthy: you have extremes of being really really really good and on track, and then something always comes up that pulls you off track (a dinner, birthday, trip, etc)
- you’re frustrated by constant cravings and beat yourself up for lack of willpower…which leads to guilt and a lot of negative self talk
- you work out all the time, but don’t feel like you have a lot of results to show for it
- you think about food and what to eat, most of the day
- you can just never figure out how to have the things you love in moderation (coffee, cheese, wine, dessert, chocolate). Once you start, you can’t stop!
- you feel out of control with your food, like you’re at whim everyday
Who is this not right for?
- you feel like you have everything figured out when it comes to eating healthy food and having a good relationship to it.
- you’re individual lifestyle is tricky and you likely need a more one-on-one approach
- you’re too busy to participate in a group and give feedback throughout the process
- you’re not stuck in a rut and feel awesome most days
Register here and grab a spot!
Questions? Leave a comment below or email [email protected]
Hello Sarah!
I would love to sign up for this pilot. I can only participate in 4 of the video calls listed for Mon/Wed. I am currently a graduate student and have a handful of things on my plate, but at the same time, I am so ready to find more balance in my life and develop a better relationship with food, especially during busy times when life happens 🙂
Do you think it is ok that I still sign up? I would like to know more about the time commitment required to participating in group activities.
Thank you so much!
Hi Pauline,
Yes! The video calls are just optional calls each week- just a time to ask live questions if you’d like. All the learning happens through the forum and recorded lectures each week, which you have the whole week to do on at your own pace. You’ll get all the handouts, assignments, recordings, recipes, etc by email each week, so your group commitment time is pretty low. It would be helpful for others if you can chime in online about what you’re experiencing each week, but again, all on your own schedule 🙂
I hope that helps!
Definitely helps! This is awesome, thank you 🙂
I am interested in this, but am currently traveling and about to hop on two more trips and won’t be home / on regular schedule until December, so I’m unsure of the timing. Do you anticipate doing another one in the future, or is this a program through which a “delayed start” might be possible? Thank you!
Hi Meri! Thanks for your interest 🙂 If all goes well, this program would be offered once a year, perhaps twice. I’m happy to add you to the interest list for the next round if you’d like?
I’d love to be added to the wait list, Sarah, thank you so much! I’m a huge fan of your work, so I’ll “live vicariously” through your posts, etc., until then! Thank you!
Please put me on the wait list for your next group program. Thank you!