This week, I did a quick little video snap on the amazing healing powers of golden milk paste/turmeric lattes over on instagram stories this week. I was 100% sure I’d lose some of you.
OMG. What the ____ is she making over there now?
Welp. I was wrong. The messages came in hot and heavy all week, asking for the recipe again, and could I please post it?
Apparently, “anti-inflammatory” and “super healing” is something we are all wanting more of this time of year. Or, rather, needing more of. Gimme dat.
Mine does, that’s for sure.
And although it’s oh so hot right now in January to pay more attention to your bod, and being kind to it, our bodies are actually always in need a little extra lovin’ and help.
Not to be a total downer, but daily life alone can be full of chemicals, toxins, stress, sickness, and low-grade energy (and people).
So when the bigger stuff in life happens (a health diagnosis, a big life change, etc.), it can be a little bit of a double wham-bam, with more potential to take you down for the count– both physically and mentally.
Anyone? Yeah. It’s happened to us all, at some point.
So, here the thing:
Doing what you can to continually boost, heal, lift up, e l e v a t e, and keep that inner spark and energy lit up and fully bright, isn’t just nice once in a while. It’s necessary.
And daily.
And not just in January.
That’s why rituals of deep self care and love are so important to create (and actually do, not just write down as your New Year’s goal).
So, while you’re here, I want to ask you something: what are those deep rituals of self care for you?
Not sure?
They’re often things that require some planning, or boundaries, or thought and intention. Not blowing through your week like a hopped-up hurricane.
They could be silly and lighthearted- I do a ridiculous face mask routine on Mondays that makes me look like a scrunchy green monster. I can’t stop laughing when it starts drying. Little joys, ya know?
Is it making the recipes here on the blog, and in the cookbook weekly? It is going on weekend walks and coffee dates with your girlfriends, or planning a weekly date night?
Is it saying no to things so that you actually have time to nestle up on the couch and read all those books that have been sitting on your kindle?
Is it your daily workout or movement? Is it drinking enough water? Making a daily green smoothie or salad? Is it having a practice of being thankful? Prayer? Time to journal?
And, do you make these things a priority in your life? If not daily– then at least weekly?
Do you connect these things to helping your body (and mind) heal and more fully regenerate, so that you can continue to rise up and shine, above all the low-grade stuff that’s a normal part of our daily lives?
If not, I have a challenge for you:
Do it. Pick something to start with.
No more excuses. You only get this one body, and one sweet life. And that clock has already started ticking gently.
Time is going to pass anyways, and you get to choose SO MUCH of how your daily life can play out.
Because there will always be things outside your control- so do what you can to balance it out and build up your body and mind and soul to be more of a powerhouse.
Rise up.
In all the ways.
And if you need just one tiny idea to start with: well, I’ve got just the thing today.
A special little anti-inflammatory paste that takes about 5 minutes to make, and is an easy addition to almost anything throughout your week.
The end result (a turmeric golden milk paste) is just as full of wisdom and strength and healing, as it is about warming and spice.
But so is the act and ritual of creating it.
So, enjoy both.
5 minutes is sometimes all it takes.
A little reminder, just in case you needed it.
Golden Milk Paste
Makes 6-8 1 teaspoon servings
Notes: Use a stainless steel saucepan and be careful with the turmeric- it can stain easily. I like to leave my paste unsweetened so I can use it in both sweeter and savory things. If you’re making the latte for example, you can just blend a little maple syrup or honey in later, as your making it.
1/4 cup fresh ground turmeric or powder (ideally organic- unlike my shortcut version above).
2 1/2 tablespoons ghee, grass-fed butter or unrefined coconut oil (or a mix of any of these three)
2-3 teaspoons cinnamon
1-2 teaspoons ginger
1 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 cup water
Add all ingredients to a small saucepan over medium heat. Stir until the mixture forms a paste. Optional to add 1-2 teaspoons honey or maple syrup here, if you prefer it sweeter. Also optional to add a bit more water, if your paste feels too thick.
Store your golden milk paste in a glass jar container with a lid. When ready to use, take a teaspoon and add it to warm veggies, curries, make it into a salad dressing with dijon and lemon and olive oil, add to soups, or turn it into a Turmeric Milk Latte below.
Or, check out my Golden Milk Pots of Gold/Chia Seed Pudding recipe here!
Golden Milk/Turmeric Latte
Makes 1 serving
1-2 teaspoons golden milk paste (start with 1)
1 teaspoon honey or maple syrup (optional)
1/2 cup water or milk of your choice (organic whole, organic cream, coconut milk from the can, homemade almond milk, etc) or 1 tablespoon ghee, grassfed butter or coconut oil + 1/2 cup water
Heat all ingredients together and blend together if necessary. Serve hot.
I’d love to know about your own rituals, especially if you’re down for the “challenge”. Or, if you try this for the first time. Tell me below– or come find me in a place that’s inspiring for you.
Light it up, shine it out.
instagram @simplyrealhealth
pinterest @simplyrealhealth
facebook @simplyrealhealth
email [email protected]
Love this recipe? You’d love the cookbook then too. And be sure to check out the brand new Food Academy, now open for enrollment, and the seasonal meal plans!
Double psst- did you know you can download a free 3 day sample of the current Fall Meal Plan here? Grab it now!
Yay! Thank you, thank you, thank you. I have been meaning to try Golden Milk, you just made this so easy. It will definitely happen now!
Yay I’m so glad!
This is so genius and I am in love with this! Made a batch today and love it so much <3
Very interestested in drinking Golden Milk. Just had surgery “Arterior Cervical Disectomy and spinal fusion”. Excited to drink this Golden Milk!
I’m in the process of making this and without even adding the 1/2 cup water, it’s very liquidy – definitely not a “paste”. 1/4 cup turmeric, right?
Disregard! I went ahead and added the water and am amazed at how thick it got! LOL
I have some of the paste in my fridge that I forgot about. It has been there for a few months. Is it still good?
I would probably toss after a few months. Weeks are great 🙂
I just made this for the first time and I’m now drinking the best golden milk latte I’ve ever had! At home! Thank you!
I’m so glad!
I just made this paste for golden milk lattes. I used a recipe from another blog years ago but found this one (which seems to ne more flavorful) and decided to try it. The latte recipe in the post uses the paste and also butter, ghee, or coconut oil. The paste has coconut oil included. Is there additional oil in the latte? I’m looking forward to getting back to a nightly golden milk latte before bed! You are so right about self care! Thank you for sharing your recipe and thoughts 🙂