Welp. When things shift, we gotta shift with it. If there’s been ONE thing that’s been a theme for me over here this past year and a half, it’s been that exactly. Of being able to go with the flow. Pivot, and adjust. Switch things up without clinging on hard to what you’ve always done. Thank you, motherhoood, truly. In so many ways, being a new mom has helped prepare me for this season: of learning how to create some sense of normalcy to days that are all over the map.
And quarantine life is the same = we’re all just doing the best we can with what we have.
Most of all, it’s about leaning into the things you CAN control.
It’s why having little rhythms and rituals (aka, what my entire 2nd book is about) I can lean into when things feel crazy, helps me feel so much more grounded and calm. So today, I just wanted to share a little peek into my mornings as of late, because, well, we’ve ALL had to shift and adjust things during this season.
If you remember a month or so ago I did a full video on my normal morning routine too, which is what this is based on, just shortened and adjusted so it might make sense to watch that one first 🙂
I hope it helps you to create your own version of a routine these days to keep you as peaceful as possible in this wild little season. Here is what my morning has been looking like as of lately:
Here’s what my quarantine routine looks like lately
6:30 am: roll out of bed, workout clothes on, pee (duh), contacts in, tongue scrape (MOST important), teeth brush, head on downstairs.
6:45 am: fill up my water (I use this GIANT 34 oz. beauty, or a similar one here) and do a quick 20-min workout. Sometimes it’s my bike, sometimes it’s yoga or pilates. I don’t ALWAYS get a workout in but I try to do it 3-4 days a week (Mondays are key esp). It puts me in a whole other space mentally.
(Side note: I try to drink a FULL water during my workout and another full one right after, plus another in the afternoon).
7:15ish am: Breathe, stretch, pray, do a mental gratitude list for a few minutes if Noah guy isn’t up yet, and then shower (with a few drops of spearmint essential oil dropped in).
7:30 am: Apply my all-time favorite plumping serum , do 1-2 minutes of gua sha (I love this one so much right now, the ridges get in deep and smooth fine lines so well), and then it’s baby breakfast time!
7:45 am: Make Noah’s breakfast (lately: some version of this baby cake recipe and he could eat the whole thing).
8ish am: While he eats, I start my matcha: heat water, coconut water & almond milk in a saucepan. (My classic matcha latte recipe is in the 2nd cookbook). Pour the hot liquids into vitamix, add 1/2 tsp matcha (I love this brand), blend & pour. SO EASY. I do this while he eats and then it’s clean up time.
9 am: Bundle up for our morning walk (been doing this since he was born). We aim for 35-45 minutes, no matter the weather. Fresh air and nature for both of us = the most vital start to a day. I usually listen to a podcast or catch up on voice texts with friends.
*side note here: I do not look at email/slack/social media until much later on in the day. After 10:30am at a minimum. It helps me so much energetically. Boundaries are so important for me, with all the different buckets in my life 🙂
9:45ish am: Play for a few minutes outside (if it isn’t pouring rain) followed by my 3 minute “get ready” routine. Or if it’s a makeup day, then my new crazy fast 3 minute natural makeup & hair routine. Then, it’s time to get to work.
Right now I’m working 3-4 hours/day with the help of my mom who we have been co-quarantining with this whole time. Such a blessing and OMG, moms doing this alone, you are amazing. Truly.
It should also be said that right now, I’m working most nights too when he goes down, and weekends also. So, we’re all making it work in different ways. It’s s good thing I love what I do— THAT has made me feel so grateful during this time.
I know I’m lucky –and have worked hard to set my own schedule. Before all this it usually meant working MORE and putting more pressure on myself.
But one of the beautiful things about motherhood and this quarantine is going slow and going with the flow as much as we can. Release what you cannot control. Gather up what you can and make it the best. Be ok with not being totally perfect. Do what you can, where you can, with what you have. These are times when our daily routine, our health, our mindset and our attitudes are more important than ever. So don’t forget to pour into those things, as best you can.
The 3 things I can’t live without in my morning routine:
- This jumbo (but like, still cute) water bottle
- This plumping serum that’s like a spa day for your face, every day– use code simplyrealhealth for 10% off your 1st order
- This gua sha for de-puffing, draining the lymphatic system and smoothing skin (and find my tutorial for how to use it here!)– use code simplyrealhealth for 10% off your first order
I hope my current routine helps you to find one that works for you and most importantly, feels GOOD. In every way. Let me know if you have any other questions!
Loved this post? You’d probably love my 28 easy self-care ideas too!
All broken down into categories of under 1 hour, under 20 minutes and under 5 minutes. Grab the full checklist here.
Love this! Thank you for sharing! Your coat and hat are so cute too 🙂
Thank you for sharing your morning routine. Do you eat breakfast after your matcha latte or intermittent fast?
6:30 am – Wake/wash up
6:45 am – Work out/hydrate
7:15 – Gratitude/Shower
7:30 am – Moisturize
8:00 am – Matcha
9:00 am – Morning walk 35-45 mins