This is Part 3 of a 3 part series, all focused on a theme that is so close to my heart: getting out of your own way, re-training your brain, designing your life the way you want to, and why creating better relationships to everything (yourself, other people, and even food) is the best way to start. And also, the journey it’s been for me, personally.
If you haven’t read part 1 and part 2, catch them here and here, first.
So, last week I let you all inside my head, about the things that I really used to think about (although it still makes me cringe), and the things that I wish someone had told me about being healthy.
One thing is for sure: I made it a lot harder than it really had to be.
But even more disturbing?
That when food…… or guilt/shame/rules around food….. take up so much of your mental space, time and energy, that’s a life fully run by fear.
And I don’t know about you, but that’s not really the life I have ever envisioned, or wanted for myself. I just didn’t know any other way.
All of it feels so easy for me to see now.
But when I was IN it, it was hard to fully see that, and fully see all the spaces and places and crevices of my life that a shaky relationship to food was sneaking in and affecting so many things:
my relationships
my confidence
my work
my creativity
my energy
my resiliency in life
my mood
my ability to give to others
And my story isn’t even an extreme example of what so many women (and men, too) get caught up in, in various seasons of their lives.
So, today, even if there is just a TINY amount that can you pull some wisdom from and relate to, I wanted to talk more about what it took to have an actual shift into a kinder, more sustainable way of living and being healthy, and the process behind it:
To get out of the stressful, rigid and antiquated diet & fitness mentality, and more into a life bursting with health, energy, love, grace, and way more joy. With food especially, and therefore with all the other parts of life that it’s connected to. You can start reading in the morning, I recommend getting tips for a healthier life. You can read more on this blog and learn about fitness.
And how it happened that so many of things, situations, and foods that I used to avoid like the plague, are some of my most treasured moments and the biggest sources of joy in my life.
Things like:
- Traveling the world (being able to eat and drink and enjoy all kinds of cultures and experiences, without panic or guilt about being away from my routine/the gym/ healthy food).
- Girls nights. With wine. And cheese. And mezze platters of juicy olives, salami, and GF crackers. Of being able to actually BE PRESENT and soak in all of their goodness and laughter, instead of half my brain being pre-occupied about the food, or on guilt overload the next day.
- Date nights. With grass-fed burgers and fries. And not being afraid of a little ice cream or chocolate or a GF cookie afterward, if it sounds good. Aka, “no side salad, hold the dressing” for this girl.
- Always saying YES to perfectly crunchy chips and guac. End of story, anytime and anyplace. Skinny margs for the double win.
- Never fearing vacation because I’m now able to act and eat and think in a way that keeps me ready (as my easy daily norm), and not having to “get ready” or “tighten things up” everytime.
- Dinners at other people’s houses– what was once so hard, is now one of the easiest, and my most favorite things.
- Out to dinner: no more #highmai orders. When calories/carbs/fats aren’t ruling you life, eating out becomes so much more relaxing (because so much of every menu is real food, made from scratch). Being able to find something to eat, on any menu, ANYWHERE, ANYTIME.
- Working out in ways that serve and strengthen me each day (mentally and physically), and whatever my body needs (without guilt). Working out to feel strong, and for circulation and energy… not as punishment or to “burn off” my food. The two are now disconnected in my mind. Also, having peace with rest days, or days that straight get too busy….without beating myself up about it.
- Coffee when I want it, and not because I need it.
- Treats because I want it, not because I need it.
- The ability to actually hear what my body is saying instead of relying on one-size-fits-all rules (more meat please today, more veggies today please, less sugar, etc). But more importantly: actually trusting the message.
- Less brain fog and clutter, period.
- More energy and focus, period.
- More joy and enjoyment and savoring and appreciating food. Less guilt, confusion and negativity.
- More freedom to live in the moment, and be truly present, no matter where you are, or what you’re doing.
- More happiness and juicy ALIVENESS, because of all of these things.
Why am I telling you all of this? No- not because I want you to think that my life is sooooo great and perfect now, and yay for me. I’m human. It’s just that none of these things were ever part of how I lived before.
I’m telling you because they are rarely things we think of that ” very healthy” people do.
It’s kinda like, we’re taught that you have to pick a side: be healthy, or have a fun and spontaneous and free-feeling life, with beautiful (fun) food and a more lighthearted experience.
And– if you want to keep thinking like that, you have my full permission. Go for it, girlfriend. I get that it feels safe and comfortable.
But, is it working?
So for what it’s worth, I do want you to know, that it doesn’t have to be that way.
You can have both.
Both a joyful and fun life– where you get to participate in all the things and foods and events that you want to, AND be healthy, for the most part of everyday.
But, it’s not something that we really ever learn how to do.
And I am dead set on changing that. To help people clear the clutter and confusion, and light up their life with more clarity, simplicity and JOY.
And because I so fully believe in a life full of cold brew and rose and tacos and ice cream. And girls night, and date night, and family night too.
And in traveling and experiencing the world. I believe in the magical powers of #dailyjoys and living with more intention and true presence in this world. And of a life, fully alive and satisfied.
And in strong relationships.
To others and yourself.
In freedom.
Of body, mind and your soul.
In juiciness.
In more grace and less judgement.
Of getting out of autopilot mode and busting through the habits and thoughts that keep us stuck.
And in a life, fully cracked open and ignited.
(Whatever, and however that looks and feels to you).
Because of that, today, I’m so excited to announce that the Simply Real Life Program is now open for enrollment!
It only happens once a year, and it is my all time favorite thing to teach and lead, and what I care most about in this life.
Because it’s time for this life and message of calmness & food freedom to be open to ALL.
To change the conversation and our definition of a truly healthy life.
For every busy woman out there, that is fiercely ready to massively SHIFT, CONQUER and take ownership in DESIGNING a life of more freedom, happiness and health, with more joy and ease.
So you can create a truly healthier and more fulfilled life, on every level: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. For good. And simply.
All guided, every step of the way, with all the love and support and accountability you need to make it happen. It’s the gamechanger. The golden nugget. The one thing that will forever change how you think and eat and act and feel, daily.
All in a 6-week, action packed, live and group program format, starting on April 26th, 2019.
It’s only open once a year and is exactly what I take my private clients though, in a format that’s much easier to access on the go and has group accountability and support built into it.
It’s also half the cost of 1:1 coaching, and has a lifetime membership built into it (to be able to sit in and repeat this work every single year FOR FREE), to make this work accessible to all who want and need it.
Enrollment opens today and closes on Thursday, April 25th at midnight PT
Check out all the dates & details here, and the special earlybird offer & bonuses, (only good through this Saturday, April 20th, 2019).
Read more about the SIMPLY REAL LIFE Program here...
short on time? get the quick & condensed version here.
questions? send us an email to [email protected] and we’ll gladly help you!
P.S (in a nutshell): The Simply Real Life Program is my 6 week group program to get healthier, take back your headspace, change your relationship to food, and live a more joyful, vibrant life. It’s everything I teach in private, one-on-one coaching, but half the price. And, more importantly, it addresses the actual core things behind living a healthy lifestyle that actually lasts. It’s a much deeper look at food, and finding the best combinations for your body, partnered with how our thoughts, emotions, brain pathways, habits, routines, and mindset are all connected to our food. And what to do about it to raise your energy, life-force and truly embody the best version of yourself, in all areas of life!
Spots are limited to keep the group intimate, and it only opens once a year. Check out more here to see if it’s the right fit for you.
PPS- I’m also teaching even more about all of this goodness & sharing the 5 secret steps to being able to design a healthy lifestyle that actually lasts LIVE everyday this week, with quick 10-15 minute workshops. Grab a spot daily, here!
I keep reading to see what a trip to Italy did to help you on this journey? I can’t find it.
Hi Leslie! I talk all about my story in depth here, about the Simply Real Life Program:,and also here in the Simply Real Food podcast: I hope that helps! xx, S